GODO SHIGEN’s commitment to the SDGs

Toward a Vital and
Creative Company

Commitment to Sustainability

Established in 1934, our company was the first in Japan to pioneer the production of iodine from brine extracted from ancient layer deep underground. Since the early Showa period, we have been developing and producing natural gas and iodine, which are valuable domestic resources, and in2024 we celebrated the 90th anniversary of our founding.
As we approach our centennial, we will strive to be even safer and stronger based on our technology and business foundation we have built over the years by taking various measures in response to changes in the market, development environment, and technology. Regarding the production of brine, which is our core business, we will strive to conduct activities that are understood and trusted by everyone as a community-based company while maintaining harmony with the environment and ensuring business continuity.

GODO SHIGEN’s Commitment to the SDGs

Message from the President

Toshio Yamanoi,
President and
Representative Director

We contribute to the prosperity
and development of society
by reusing valuable resources
without waste.

As a community-based company, we will strive to conduct activities that are understood and trusted by everyone while maintaining harmony with the environment and ensuring business continuity.

We will continue to focus on developing technologies to reduce environmental impacts while also developing new products. We will strive ceaselessly based on the belief that contributing to the prosperity and development of society underpins our company’s further growth.


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godoshigen outsight

2024 Environmental Safety Report
(Oct. 2023 – Sept. 2024)